Sunday, February 18, 2007

Leave Room for the Holy Spirit X 3

Talk about the weather
because the less space between
the mistakes we make
the closer we become
to insignificant truthfulness
and I can't remember the last time
I felt so vulnerable
so much like skipping past the terror
and laughing about how silly it all feels

We talked on the phone for 36 minutes
And even when I lost service
I called you back
and we talked some more
and you told me you didn't know why
and I was okay with it
because it wasn't about you
even though it was
it was dark out
and you laugh at my bad jokes
and I don't feel bad when you confirm
that I'm not that funny
because you still laugh, whole heartedly
and it reminds me of that one time
I painted you a bunch of little red flowers
and you put it on your wall
and we drank spiced chai near midnight
and I chain smoked in your car
and it was okay
even when it wasn't and you had no idea
but it's okay, it's okay.

I was sitting in the 8th row last Sunday evening
Usually we slouch in the back, sleepy eyed and giggly
behind smiling babies and confirming pre-teens
I wore a black dress and ripped jeans
it was first communion at 10am
so we were among the few who didn't attend morning mass
Gustavo plays an electric keyboard organ
that reminds me of the poor girls quinceanera
and Father Jose Luis invites us to be joyous
and I can't help the tugging on the corners of my mouth
and that guy, I forget his name,
from Casa Maria,
is telling us to spit out our gum
and turn our cell phones off
and for a second I can't remember how to make the sign of the cross
and I can't find the right song in the book
it's in English and it's supposed to be in Spanish
but I don't know the words
and I'm so happy
I hold their hands for longer than we are required to
and tia is singing louder than anyone else
and I can't stop the reminder of dashes of ash that are approaching
and the smell of egg dye that makes my face itch
when I close my eyes
it also reminds me of home

love always,

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