Saturday, February 10, 2007

Erotas vs. Korean Black Day

Because sometimes I do just want to put up the yellow flag and say things like "forever"
and nothing really feels as much like love as hand rolled cigarettes or the comfortable silence of two postcoital lovers
but somethings seem to make sense in all the ways they should,
and I don't like it
I mean what I just said
because I read you like a cryptic anthology of Neruda poems,
translated from the Spanish to simplified Chinese
and I can't read Chinese, the hanzi stabbing lines into the paper
gives me a headache
turning an ode to everything into an ode to nothing
and it is constant
these methods of interpretation
I am awkward, yet familiar with the area
but I tend to stumble
when I turn out the lights
and you wouldn't believe how uncomfortable this makes me

Good morning.

Love always,

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