Friday, May 4, 2007

after a long time gone

In an overwhelming, understated realm of absolutes
what is the business that will get us through
the hot days
long nights
dreams of apples and oranges
and whistling rock and roll songs that are out of circulation
while we ask ourselves
what we're doing
to understand the bigger pictures
forests and trees
or rather
do we even care
if these feelings are real
or if we all just faking it
and clinging to things that feel like forever

I haven't practiced my Korean all week, and I didn't do my homework. There is nothing like babysitting to give me time to write the korean alphabet a thousand times!

These are the words that I have learned:
아기 - baby
나무 - tree
아기 나무 - baby tree
and a few others, but I can't remember now.

So. I'm done with college. More on this later.

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