Saturday, May 5, 2007

2:21am MST (because of your extraordinary effort, we we're all made to be laughed at)

I just spent about 15 minutes making photo-copies of my Korean homework (숙제) and in the process, did one of my favorite things ever in the entire world..oh yes, I dug through the recycling bin. I found a photo-copy of a passport, a powerpoint about china, a chapter from a novel in French, a nats 101 lab exam (Kellen Hope got an 83%) a photo-copy of someone's hand and a collection of ancient pottery photos. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to get one of my watercolor-found art collages??? Maybe???

I am very disinterested in finished my work right now. I am much more interested in translating very random words, like holler (고함,) and writing cryptic poetry and chain smoking (very kerouac-esque I suppose) except it is very hard to chain smoke in the MLL Zone...I have to keep going outside, and I'm in much too much of a lazy mood to do that as often as I would like.

I just took a quick nap under the editing station desk. It was not comfortable. It smelled like boy sweat and gym shoes. I dreamed a little, about nice things that I want to keep in my head for a little while.

it starts with the alphabet
and three letters later
you're more tired than you we're before.
we're not used to the indecision
the rawness is leaving open wounds
it's creol
potato pancakes
shirts that don't really fit
and the emptiness gas tank after a necessary trip
to the grocery store
that ends with the alphabet
and 12 letters later
we feel full.

It all starts with the case of delerium. It all works out.

Love always,
LS (because sometimes I forget important information)

1 comment:

RachelJeeHyeThomas said...

When I was over at your house,
during orange couch nite,
I saw a collage that you made, of found footage in paper medium
it made my heart melt que tu veas....You see things that go unseen