Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Relocation Nation

Clarity, Em-r and I have been looking for a place to move into for the past few months. As you may know, I am not very good with money and even when I'm working 2+ jobs, I am still always b-r-o-k-e, so it's been pretty rough trying to find a house that can fit three girls and all their shoes for a price that we can all afford. Today just happened to be our lucky day. Actually, to be perfectly honest, today was probably the best day I have had in a really long time. We found our dream house and will hopefully be moving in April 1st.

The front door is red. It has a gated front porch, with an old-fashioned bell and a cute little mail-box. There is a hanging swing outside the livingroom window. The living room/open dining room is rust (orange) with wood everything. (The entire house has hard-wood floors.) There is a fireplace, and a china (alcohol) cabinet and a bookshelf!

The kitchen is eggplant purple! The wood floors are painted black and white check. The tile of the sink is bright green. It has a huge window nook with window seats for a table. There is storage everywhere. Washer, dryer, dish-washer, over, fridge, etc!

The Arizona room (ie 4th bedroom) is lavender and stone. Windows everywhere. It is fantastic. Party room.

My bedroom is acidic lime green. It's very small, but I don't need a lot of room. I don't have a lot of stuff. Shoes, clothes, books, records, etc. I don't even own any furniture at this point. My BB is going to give me some of his old furniture and kitchen stuff. We're open to donations! I have three doors in my bedroom. It's brilliant.

Em-r's room is deep navy blue. It's connected to my room by french doors. It has three, yes three (3) closets! She's going to love it.

The bathroom is straight out of a 1940's film noir. All black and white tile checks. A sunken bathtub, a shaving mirror on the wall, crazy sink. It's amazing.

Clarity's room is bright, bright turquiose with clouds on the ceiling. It has the most plugs and a door to the front porch. It's the biggest, which she needs for all her junk.

We opened the door to the basement, and Clarity and mi tia walked down the stairs and I started to follow them, until I hit my head on the doorway. I guess I am too tall for some doorways! But I eventually made it down stairs and it is scary and probably haunted and would make for a great little studio or maybe a creepy make-out spot!

The backyard is huge, and it has a coi-pond and a place for a garden, and great little place to barbeque!

I am in love. I am in love with every nook and cranny and everything, even the ugly splotchy paint on the ceilings that are supposed to be artsy, especially the zillions of windows and millions of doors and even more closet space, shelves and hiding places. Did someone say house-warming party? Yes, yes I think someone did.

Love Always,

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