Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Truth and Consequences and 652 Reasons to Believe in Magic

I am reading four books right now.

1. Soy la Avon Lady and Other Stories by Lorraine Lopez

Because I've read it before and I can't remember when or why or what it's all about, but the familiarity of the stories are driving me insane and reminding me of something lost. "Dear Virgin," You pray to the Virgin because you don't believe in God, never really have, but you don't dare ignore La virgen "make me skinny! Please, oh please!"

2. The Dirty Girls Social Club by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez

Or rather Buena Sucia Social Club. I don't know how much I like it yet. I like that the book is bright yellow. It's a hardcover. You know how I feel.

3. Nonzero; The Logic of Human Destiny by Robert Wright

Because I can't check out a book from the library, even if it isn't for me, and not read it. I feel cheated. I also haven't decided how I feel about a book that claims to change your view on life and begins every chapter with a quote. I do appreciate chapters entitled "Non Crazy Questions" and "Why Life is So Complex" and the following quote - We don't know what the hell it is, except that it's very large and it has a purpose. —Dr. Heywood Floyd in the movie 2010

4. Harry potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling

I've read this book about 6000 times, but obviously the next book is coming out soon and I enjoy having a fun, comfortable book to read when I don't feel like doing anything else.

Love Always,

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