Tuesday, March 20, 2007

All Growed Up

I am extremely overwhelmed with life.
I am so over being a grown-up.
I need a nap and a more impressive checking account.

Love Always,
(maybe not so much today)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Mid-Night Crisis

I am a little unclear.
These games.

I am frustrated.
With change.

I am angry.
I don't know why.
but maybe hurt
and confused is more accurate.

and I am ready.
I think.
Ask me tomorrow.

Love Always,

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

To My Sister by Forough Farrokhzad

Sister, rise up after your freedom,
why are you quiet?
rise up because henceforth
you have to imbibe the blood of tyrannical men.

Seek your rights, Sister,
from those who keep you weak,
from those whose myriad tricks and schemes
keep you seated in a corner of the house.

How long will you be the object of pleasure
In the harem of men's lust?
how long will you bow your proud head at his feet
like a benighted servant?

How long for the sake of a morsel of bread,
will you keep becoming an aged haji's temporary wife,
seeing second and third rival wives.
oppression and cruelty, my sister, for how long?

This angry moan of yours
must surly become a clamorous scream.
you must tear apart this heavy bond
so that your life might be free.

Rise up and uproot the roots of oppression.
give comfort to your bleeding heart.
for the sake of your freedom, strive
to change the law, rise up.

Love Always,

Relocation Nation

Clarity, Em-r and I have been looking for a place to move into for the past few months. As you may know, I am not very good with money and even when I'm working 2+ jobs, I am still always b-r-o-k-e, so it's been pretty rough trying to find a house that can fit three girls and all their shoes for a price that we can all afford. Today just happened to be our lucky day. Actually, to be perfectly honest, today was probably the best day I have had in a really long time. We found our dream house and will hopefully be moving in April 1st.

The front door is red. It has a gated front porch, with an old-fashioned bell and a cute little mail-box. There is a hanging swing outside the livingroom window. The living room/open dining room is rust (orange) with wood everything. (The entire house has hard-wood floors.) There is a fireplace, and a china (alcohol) cabinet and a bookshelf!

The kitchen is eggplant purple! The wood floors are painted black and white check. The tile of the sink is bright green. It has a huge window nook with window seats for a table. There is storage everywhere. Washer, dryer, dish-washer, over, fridge, etc!

The Arizona room (ie 4th bedroom) is lavender and stone. Windows everywhere. It is fantastic. Party room.

My bedroom is acidic lime green. It's very small, but I don't need a lot of room. I don't have a lot of stuff. Shoes, clothes, books, records, etc. I don't even own any furniture at this point. My BB is going to give me some of his old furniture and kitchen stuff. We're open to donations! I have three doors in my bedroom. It's brilliant.

Em-r's room is deep navy blue. It's connected to my room by french doors. It has three, yes three (3) closets! She's going to love it.

The bathroom is straight out of a 1940's film noir. All black and white tile checks. A sunken bathtub, a shaving mirror on the wall, crazy sink. It's amazing.

Clarity's room is bright, bright turquiose with clouds on the ceiling. It has the most plugs and a door to the front porch. It's the biggest, which she needs for all her junk.

We opened the door to the basement, and Clarity and mi tia walked down the stairs and I started to follow them, until I hit my head on the doorway. I guess I am too tall for some doorways! But I eventually made it down stairs and it is scary and probably haunted and would make for a great little studio or maybe a creepy make-out spot!

The backyard is huge, and it has a coi-pond and a place for a garden, and great little place to barbeque!

I am in love. I am in love with every nook and cranny and everything, even the ugly splotchy paint on the ceilings that are supposed to be artsy, especially the zillions of windows and millions of doors and even more closet space, shelves and hiding places. Did someone say house-warming party? Yes, yes I think someone did.

Love Always,

Friday, March 9, 2007


Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off...but it's better if you do.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Truth and Consequences and 652 Reasons to Believe in Magic

I am reading four books right now.

1. Soy la Avon Lady and Other Stories by Lorraine Lopez

Because I've read it before and I can't remember when or why or what it's all about, but the familiarity of the stories are driving me insane and reminding me of something lost. "Dear Virgin," You pray to the Virgin because you don't believe in God, never really have, but you don't dare ignore La virgen "make me skinny! Please, oh please!"

2. The Dirty Girls Social Club by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez

Or rather Buena Sucia Social Club. I don't know how much I like it yet. I like that the book is bright yellow. It's a hardcover. You know how I feel.

3. Nonzero; The Logic of Human Destiny by Robert Wright

Because I can't check out a book from the library, even if it isn't for me, and not read it. I feel cheated. I also haven't decided how I feel about a book that claims to change your view on life and begins every chapter with a quote. I do appreciate chapters entitled "Non Crazy Questions" and "Why Life is So Complex" and the following quote - We don't know what the hell it is, except that it's very large and it has a purpose. —Dr. Heywood Floyd in the movie 2010

4. Harry potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling

I've read this book about 6000 times, but obviously the next book is coming out soon and I enjoy having a fun, comfortable book to read when I don't feel like doing anything else.

Love Always,

Martyred Saint of The East African Trade

Salvador y Gala

Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Science of Getting to Know You

Four (4) things that you wouldn't know unless you asked:
1. I prefer to read paperbacks more than hardcovers.
2. My favorite prime-time flavor is Raspberry.
3. I often dream about the ocean.
4. I can write your name in Arabic, seriously.

I am getting restless.

Love Always,

Ode to Tyra Banks; 30 lbs later

You fucking goddamned dreamer
Lounging in a bloodbath paradise.
Cuddling up with this rock and roll dream
And signing rent checks with x’s and o’s.

You get lost in a heat-wave of
Strippers and high class hookers
and toilet-bowls and heartaches
and some of these girls need to eat
and you know it
baby, you know better

You are glued to the TV set
and wonder why it’s so frustrating
because every girl wants to be a model
and an actress and a singer too
and you just want to be a size 5

You have everything
But a car crash
And you’ll fake it till you make it
In swap-meet frauda and Mossimo from Target

And you can’t stop wanting to turn sideways
Until you disappear completely.

Love Always,